TCM World

  • Balance
    Posted in: TCM World

    Over the next few Fridays, we will be delving into the concept of balance. What does it truly mean, and is it attainable? Picture a balance scale. When it is at a state of perfect harmony, both sides of the scale are level. But as soon as the tiniest thing is added to one side, […]

  • Late Summer Cooking: Fresh From the Garden
    Posted in: TCM World

    Late Summer is the perfect time of year to reap the bounty of your backyard or local farmer’s market harvest. Eating food that is locally grown and in season will help you to connect with the vibrant energy that surrounds us at this time of year. This modern take on a classic vegetable paella combines […]

  • Liver and Stomach: What’s the Connection?
    Posted in: TCM World

    In Traditional Chinese medicine, the Five Element Consciousness Framework is a system of understanding the body and its workings. Each of the five organ systems is associated with a specific group of correspondences or energetic frequencies that relate to the body, mind, and spirit. As it is based on the many interconnections that exist within […]

  • The Five Element Phases of Adolescence
    Posted in: TCM World

    Just when you thought you figured it out, everything changes! One of the profound wonders I get to witness everyday is the way children transform throughout their lives. Preparing parents and children for these changes can help them navigate the deep mysteries of growing up. Nowhere is this more important than in the dramatic transitions […]

  • Nature Knows: Unconditional Love
    Posted in: TCM World

    In Nature, we see mamas of all kinds caring for their babies. Squirrel mamas nurse their babies until they are about 12 weeks old. Opossum mamas protect their babies in their pouches until they are old enough to ride on their backs. Octopus mamas will starve themselves and even eat their own tentacles so that […]

  • Organ Communication: What’s the Connection?
    Posted in: TCM World

    Did you know? The digestive system has a direct link to healthy Heart function! In fact, the connection between Liver Qi (Spring) and Stomach Qi (Late Summer) is what creates healthy Heart function (Summer) and an overall sense of peace in the body. How are your organs speaking to one another? And how do your […]

  • Nature Knows: Stress
    Posted in: TCM World

    We’ve all experienced stress in one way or another. Sometimes, stress is fleeting. Other times, it leaves a perceivable scar. Remarkably, trees carry a visible reminder of their stressors as well—through knots and burls. Nature has a way of taking its scars and turning them into beauty. Often, a small branch will die and fall […]

  • Liver Qi Self-Assessment: How Do You Stack Up?
    Posted in: TCM World

    The Liver plays a key role in helping the body manage stress on a daily basis. A hectic lifestyle, along with mental and physical stress, causes different degrees of Liver function disorder. When your body is calm, its inner vibration has an even tone. But stress and anger create imbalances that upset the smooth flow […]

  • Dumplings: A Legacy of Prosperity
    Posted in: TCM World

    There are many ways to cook a dumpling. There are equally as many ways to fill one. Each of these fillings and types of preparation hold different meanings in Chinese culture. But whether fried, boiled, baked, or steamed, dumplings are an important part of ringing in the Lunar New Year. Dumplings are made of pasta-like […]

  • The World Beneath Your Feet
    Posted in: TCM World

    Every day, we step foot on the earth. Our footprints signal our earthly presence. What impact are you making on the world beneath your feet? Do you walk slowly and gracefully or quickly and anxiously? In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, “When we walk like we are rushing, we print anxiety and sorrow on […]

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